Monday, September 11, 2006

MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore Part II

Just wanted to add another portion to my Hydroxycut Hardcore review. I finished my bottle a week and a half ago, and for the past week and a bit i've noticed a major lack of motivation and energy for the gym, I wasn't really sure what was going on, but today it clicked in.

I guess going from 6 pills a day of energy blasting Hydroxycut to nothing the following days really caused my system to crash - only now am i bouncing back to normal levels.

I talked with a friend at the gym and he made a good point, when I am nearing the end of any supplement, i should start cutting the dose in the last week little by little to let my body slowly get off the product, going cold turkey causes the body to crash.

Well live and learn, and I wanted to pass this information down to everyone!

Happy Training,

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